This incredible mom created an enormous Nintendo-themed game room for her kids

You've got an empty room in your house, a couple of young kids who like to play Nintendo games, and a penchant for DIY projects. What do you do?

This, apparently, if you're anything like Scottsburg, Indiana teacher Rorie Lizenby:

Nintendo home theater

Pretty intense! But Lizenby brushes off the project as little more than a two-week diversion (while working full-time as a teacher, no less). Here's how she did it!

SEE ALSO: Nintendo's new $80 mini Super Nintendo will be available for a limited time

First things first: schematics!

Lizenby based her work on a NES-inspired print, originally created by Allen Swart.

"Initially, my intent was not to create an accurate depiction of the original Nintendo controller, just a generic retro gaming controller," Lizenby told Business Insider. "

The first thing she did was put up a background for the massive NES gamepad on the wall.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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